Here at Feminessay, we are dedicated to sharing the stories of women like you!
We launched Faces of Feminessay on International Women's Day 2019 as a platform to shed light on amazing women who are doing incredible things around the world. We will be featuring one woman every month and we invite you to get to know her and connect with her below!
First and Last Name:
Blessing Ehigie
Austin, TX​
How did you find out about Feminessay?
Tiye Naeemah Cort, Founder + Global Editor-in-Chief
Why do you write?
I write to feel. I write so that others who are feeling what I feel but cannot express themselves know that I stand with them.
How would you describe your writing?
My writing is all over the place just as my feelings and emotions but always honest.
How does your work/independent project(s) connect to your writing/storytelling?
My work is completely separate from my writing. Writing& singing is my passion.
When did you realize that you should share your writing on a public platform and who/what helped you with this realization?
I remember being so broken and in such a dark place not realizing I could or would get through what I was going through. I figured other women could relate.
What made you want to share your writing through Feminessay?
Tiye approached me about it when the site was being created. I was hesitant at first then just went for it. Its been quite liberating& satisfying.
How does it feel to see your work and the feedback that it receives on Feminessay?
It's wonderful & uplifting.
What advice would you offer to encourage women to write and share their stories through Feminessay?
Sharing is caring. I've read other women's bodies of work and related in a beautiful way. These women are my sisters and we share an emotional ink that flows through each of us.
What do you love about Feminessay?
That it's a site for women but for women who look like me.
What more would you like to see from Feminessay?
I would like access to all my work on one page possibly. If that already exists then I'm not sure how to get to it.
Feel free to share any additional information that you would like us to include in the feature.
Thank you Feminessay for giving me a safe place to share my heart.
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