Last time I checked
There was no mercy for black boys
In the midnight streets of the living.
Black boys are the only people I know
That walk the hybrid line
Of ugly truths and non-validities.
Proof that you could be both
Too real with substance
As well as completely empty.
Black boys are the truth
Beneath the concrete
Black boys are the concrete
For as much blood has been spilt
You’d think it’d fill the cracks
They fell through.
As to stop the next one from falling too.
But it never does.
Just another black boy
They used to
Pave the streets
With red
And gold
And Secrets.
There is no mercy for black boys
In the midnight streets of the living
Just another corner
Awaiting candle services
And momma’s tears
And toy cars
For other little black boys
To play with
On their brother’s concrete.
Sam Azule is a New York poet whose work centers around female empowerment, self discovery and self worth. Her intent for audiences and readers of her work is to inspire and to give voice to the experiences of black women that many overlook.
